MVTec Deep Learning Tool

I am late to the game, but I am touching MVTec's Deep Learning Tool.

I have been using HALCON Deep Learning from Hdevelop, HALCON's development environment,
However, the above tools have a strong image of being "annotation-only" tools, and I have not used them for a while.

My impression after touching it, "It's very well done.
If this was distributed for free, wouldn't it be tough on AI shops...

Annotation, training, and evaluation can be performed on stored image files.
Deep Learning evaluation can be completed with this alone.
(Semantic segmentation learning is not yet supported.)

But the DL models generated can only be used with HALCON/MERLIC,
expensive licenses are required to use them on actual machines.
It is well thought out as a business.

So what our company will do is,
1) Implement a method to capture and store images with FIS-200.
2) To make the DL model, which has been trained and evaluated by the Deep Learning Tool, usable in the FIS-200.

We've done the evaluation with the Deep Learning Tool, but beyond that..." But what about the next step?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.