International Technical Exhibition on Image Technology and Equipment Day 2

End of the second day. The number of visitors to the show was a complete turnaround from yesterday.
Perhaps one of the keys to the success was a panel that listed the features of FlexInspectorBasic. That panel is not just a list of "features," but a statement of the problems we face in the imaging and inspection industry, and I think it is a good argument that hits a sore spot. If that doesn't hit the nail on the head, I don't know what will....
In fact, we have had many top-class people from other companies and imaging sensor manufacturers stop by. As for me, I have no intention of not doing taneakashi. I don't think I have much technical ability. I hope you will be able to feel something from the world of FlexInspector.
One more day to go. I'll keep talking as long as I can. (Better than usual as of today...)

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