Fear of preconceived notions

Today, we received a report from a Sangen representative on the Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo.
As usual, there were many people who said, "I've never seen such a method before.
The interesting thing about FlexInspector's inspection method is that the logic is so simple that it is extremely easy to understand. Rather than "Wow! The question "Why?" is more common than "Wow!
I think this is especially true for those who have experience with "images" and are afraid of preconceived notions. I myself was one of those who were most strongly impressed by FlexInspector, and I consider it my mission to destroy this preconceived notion in as many people as possible.
As a methodology, it can be applied to other areas besides "imaging tests," and I believe it will become one of the "must-know technologies" in the future. At present, it is still a "hidden treasure trove"...

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