Inspect all surfaces

Why are defective products leaked even though all products are inspected by the image processing system?
The image processing system can only judge the pre-defined areas in the images captured by the camera.

In visual inspection, we look at the product from various angles before we pick it up. We then unconsciously inspect the entire surface.

The difference is too great.
You can't say there are no "outrageous flaws" where you haven't seen them.

So we must look at all sides to prevent defective products from leaking out.

And the entire surface must be inspected.
I only measured some of the dimensions.

I just determined the presence or absence of some parts.

Just read some of the letters.

That is no substitute for visual inspection.
The only possibilities are

Determine if the product is "the same as a good from all angles."

I think this is the only way.
Of course, it can't be applied to good products that turn out to be various images...

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