About the "ping-pong method

At the Kansai Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo to be held at INTEX Osaka from 10/5,
Ping-pong method
a method for streamlining visual inspection (patent pending), will be exhibited at the Kansai Machine Component Technology Expo to be held at INTEX Osaka from October 5.

This is,

  1. Camera imaging & inspection is repeated at least 10 times per second.
  2. When the object to be inspected is placed under the camera, If it is the same as a good, a "ping-pong! sound is made if the object is the same as a good one.

It is as simple as that.

We often hear from our customers that they are considering imaging inspections because they have been specified by their customers.
What is the true meaning of this? Cost reduction Not cost reduction, It is not to reduce cost, but to ensure a reliable inspection (no major misses). but a reliable inspection (no major misses).

If cost reduction is the key, then the equipment should be labor-saving, automated, and equipped with a supply and discharge mechanism.
However, when considering a complete set of such a mechanism, the initial investment is quite high, considerable initial investment is required.
In addition, unexpected operational costs, such as the time and effort required to set up the system, would also increase. operational costs, such as the time and effort required to set up the system, would also increase. and even the cost of operation.

The point of the ping pong method is,

  • It's quicker for people to do the supply discharge.
  • Inspections are performed quickly and reliably using cameras.
  • Minimize initial investment as much as possible
  • Basically, just one side, if that's okay.

It is called.

  • Inspectors work speed will be 2~4 times The speed of inspectors' work will be 2~4 times faster than that of
  • Elderly, disabled, foreign workers, part-time ...
    Stable visual inspection by anyone just by placing can perform stable visual inspections just by placing the
  • If the number of cases can be consolidated, then automation can be considered for the first time without risk.

Innovation I'm sure this is what it means to be...

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