Excellent cost performance

In general, there are two possible options to realize "image processing inspection.
1) Image sensor: A complete product with hardware and software provided as a set. Low cost. Only very basic algorithms are implemented, and although they are highly versatile, their detection capability is low. In recent years, some sensors are offered as "finished products" but have achieved considerable detection capability through the use of advanced customization functions. However, they are not easy to master as they require considerable image processing knowledge.
(2) PC-based image processing inspection systems: Hardware is configured by combining a PC with superior processing power and an image input board. Software is either created by the company itself or outsourced. In many cases, inspection targets are narrowed down and detection capability is increased, but this tends to reduce general versatility. Software development takes at least one to two months, including verification work, and is considerably more expensive than image sensors.
What is the position of FlexInspectorBasic in this situation?
(1) Hardware consists of a PC combined with an image input board and other components.
(2) The software (FlexInspectorBasic) is provided as a "finished product" with high versatility and excellent detection capability. Therefore, there is no need to bear the development man-hours, and costs similar to those of image sensors can be realized. In addition, the algorithm itself is highly versatile and does not require advanced settings.
In other words, it is an extremely cost-effective inspection device.
In other words, this software is designed to realize an extremely cost-effective inspection system.

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