Background of Birth

Our company was originally focused on software build-to-order production of PC-based image processing inspection equipment.
When equipment was launched, we entered the field, made a number of improvements, and worked to get the equipment up and running. Therefore, I was in a position to listen to the voices of on-site workers.
I noticed that an "algorithm" that I implemented on a trial basis in one project yielded quite interesting results. Once that algorithm was used, there were no problems at all without using any other algorithms.
In the fall of 2003, when we were out of orders, we injected the know-how we had accumulated through customization projects and developed a software that focused only on "a certain algorithm. This became the first FlexInspector.
An acquaintance who saw the software suggested that we should exhibit it at an exhibition, and we decided to exhibit it at the Image Sensing Expo in June 2004. (This was a decision for the company, as it was a shift in direction from "development to order" to "sales of finished products.) Prior to exhibiting, we applied for a patent. At this time, we thought again about the superiority of this product, and it was not just a few points, but close to both hands. This superiority has not been lost as of the summer of 2005.
Currently, our products are being adopted one after another by trading companies and end users who sensed "something" in our products at the exhibitions held in June and December 2004. In addition, we are entering a virtuous cycle whereby adoption of the system has led to many suggestions for improvement and further enhancement of the system.

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