High detection capability

FlexInspectorBasic compared to existing image processing inspections,
1) It has binarization levels on a per-pixel basis. Existing ones have binarization levels for "regions". Pixel is the smallest unit in image processing, and "per pixel" is the ultimate form.
2) The binarization level is automatically determined by registering multiple good images to determine the statistically optimal value. As a result, there is no need to adjust the binarization level, which has been the bane of conventional image processing. In addition, since it can be set at the very limit of the product's ability to vary, it has a considerably high sensitivity.
3) The system uses a unique evaluation method that makes full use of the gray value, rather than "area by binarization. This makes it possible to draw out judgment capabilities that were unthinkable in the past, even when using cameras with a small number of pixels. This evaluation method also enhances the "sensory" correlation with visual inspection.
Many newcomers to FlexInspectorBasic are surprised at how easy it is to use, but many of our customers seem to find its "high detection capability" to be the key point.

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