Enthusiastic personnel

Electrotest Japan is over. Thank you to everyone who visited our booth.

Including this exhibition, I have had more opportunities to talk with people from various industries, and I have been able to see many things.

One is that "the success or failure of an imaging theme is determined by the enthusiasm of the on-site users. The operation rate of inspection equipment that they choose and build themselves is high, and that which is "left to the vendor" often does not do well. This is a natural thing to think about. Since vendors are also in business, it is natural that they want to sell at a high price and do not want to spend time and effort, but on the other hand, it is the on-site users who operate the inspection equipment themselves on a daily basis, and there is nothing they can do unless the equipment is of a level that they can use by themselves.

It is true that it may be easier if the whole thing is thrown to a vendor. However, behind every "working inspection system" I have seen, there is always an "enthusiastic person in charge. (It seems that the workload is concentrated on such a person and he/she seems to be overflowing.)

Our stance is that we would like to offer something that would be chosen by these "enthusiastic staff members".

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