07Image Sensing Exhibition ends

The Sensing & Imaging Expo has come to an end. We would like to thank all those who stopped by our booth and attended our exhibitors' seminars. The number of visitors who gave us their business cards was 1.5 to 2 times that of the previous show (International Technical Exhibition on Image Technology and Equipment in December), which was quite successful.
We will continue to follow up with our distributors and dealers.

Our company's main customer base has always been end-users, but this time it was even clearer, and we received inquiries from people in various industries with actual samples of our products. It was a very meaningful exhibition in terms of learning about the technologies that are currently required in the field and the issues that we must address in the future. We would like to thank you again.

As an aside.
Our booth this time was right in front of the special entrance to the exhibitors' seminars in the exhibition hall, and we witnessed the number of visitors and the demographics of participants for each seminar. It clearly shows the current position of each manufacturer in the industry.
Lynx wins hands down
Canon System Solutions (MATROX) still strong
Cognex surprisingly weak
EURESYS still not strong enough
ovitGreat performance!
It was like that. Our stance is quite different from other companies, but the fact that we were able to gather such a large number of participants gives us confidence that our assertion is not wrong. We would like to continue to run as the only one in the future.

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