For your consideration
Major Wastage in Visual Inspection

We have visited various companies and all of them are still struggling with visual inspection. In many cases, we are looking for the occasional defective product among mostly good products. What I would like you to consider here is that "most of them are good products" [...].

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For your consideration
Speaking for those involved in the field...

Recently, we have been receiving many comments from people we meet at trade shows and from people we deal with, saying, "I read your blog. Most of them are end users who are struggling in the field. They are trying their hardest, but their results are not [...].

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For your consideration
From "things" that can be done

We hear that automatic visual inspection is difficult, so they say, "Let's start with what we can do (items). There are 10 inspection items, so let's start with the ones we can do...". However, this pattern may leave some items that cannot be done, or an eleventh item may be found, or [...]...

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For your consideration
Automated visual inspection entity

If I were a manager of a manufacturing company... I would see articles in newspapers and magazines about "automatic visual inspection systems" and would think that if we did not introduce such systems to reduce the huge labor costs required for visual inspection before shipment, we would not be able to survive the cost competition [...].

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For your consideration
Similar but different methods

Many people with image processing experience look at FlexInspector and say, "Pattern matching, right? "Isn't it a comparison test?" FlexInspector's method is based on pattern matching [... FlexInspector's methodology is based on pattern matching [...].

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For your consideration
Set manufacturer and automatic visual inspection

There is a great need for visual inspection equipment. In factories where automation is progressing, this is an area where automation is still slow to progress, and there is much talk of "if the investment is really effective," then it should be done right away. Then, the "equipment" is ordered and [...].

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For your consideration
Official page behind FlexInspector?

MJP Corporation, the company in charge of FlexInspector sales, has completely renewed its website. Please visit

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For your consideration
Who does imaging inspection make happy?

Who is happy with the current image processing inspections? Is it the site where the inspectors are operating day after day, wondering whether they are doing the right thing or not? Is it the head of the site who believes that the introduction of inspection equipment will improve quality and efficiency? Are you a site manager who believes that the inspection [...]...

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For your consideration
Variability of good products and inspection algorithms

In most cases, the applicable algorithm depends on the degree of variation of the good. If there is almost no variation in the good, the captured images will all look almost the same. Therefore, it is difficult to extract the defects by comparing the images with those of the good [...].

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For your consideration
Difficulties with visual inspection equipment

The need for automatic visual inspection is very high, and various manufacturers are selling visual inspection equipment. However, we do not hear that they are doing very well in terms of business. Why is this? One reason is that visual inspection is all about subjectivity, which [...]...

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