All on-site visual inspection equipment...

One of our sales representatives was asked by a customer, "What is the difference between AG50V2 and FlexInspectorBasic? What is the difference between "AG50V2" and "FlexInspectorBasic"? Incidentally, the AG50V2 is Matsushita's top-of-the-line imaging equipment.
What is decisively different is that the AG50V2 is a "material" and cannot be used without a "cook".
It will function only when it is tailored to the inspection target. The "built in" feature is intended to make it versatile, and the fact that it can be easily "built in" is appealed as its "simplicity. (This applies not only to AG50V2, but also to almost all "image processing equipment.
On the other hand, "FlexInspectorBasic" is provided cooked with our unique method. With a few changes in parameter settings, it is possible to perform visual inspections on a wide variety of objects using the same approach." The aim is to increase the versatility of the "finished product," and we consider it "easy" for the field operator to use it at will.
This difference makes a big difference when the number of objects to be inspected increases. If we build a system for each object to be inspected, it will become a "different visual inspection system" from the viewpoint of on-site workers, and if there is no one who understands the system, there will be a problem of not being able to adjust it.
What would happen if all visual inspection equipment in the field had the same concept, the same operation, and the same simplicity?

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