Try it yourself and see for yourself

Needless to say, there is a great need for image processing inspections.
There are many different technologies and many different products.
Looking only at catalog specifications and claims, it seems as if anything is possible.

But the truth is...

A market that has swelled beyond the capabilities of the technology because the need is so great. A complete bubble.
The achievements that have been accumulated up to now (or so they claim) are in fact...

That is why you need to test and confirm everything by yourself.
Can I detect the defects I want to detect?
Can you get the expected yield?
Can you master it?
Does it fit my way of thinking?
You should examine the product with a much more "suspicious" eye. Do not rely on catalog specifications.

I'm always dry because I don't want users or manufacturers to have a bad experience involved in imaging inspection anyway. Tragedies can be avoided with a little knowledge. I want the industry to be a "sell for pleasure, buy for pleasure" industry.

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