Inspection Items" in Automated Visual Inspection

It seems that the number of system integrators who are involved in image processing inspection equipment is increasing.
I have been looking at some of their websites, and I have a thought.
What are the "inspection items" in automated visual inspection?
Since the purpose of automatic visual inspection is to replace visual inspection, "everything" must be inspected, regardless of whether it is written in the inspection specifications or not. If even one item cannot be inspected automatically, then almost all of the items must be inspected again visually. This means that the introduction of the system is unlikely to be effective.
I feel that both manufacturers and users are taking it too easy in this area. Both manufacturers and users.
By the way, with FlexInspector...
(1) Basically, the user's inspection specifications are ignored.
(2) Inspection is "OK if it is almost the same as a good product, NG if it is different in some way.
(3) If necessary, we visually classify NG items according to the inspection specifications.
This is all.
I dare say that the "inspection item" is "must be a good product".

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