Today, again...

Today, too, we had a visitor from a distant place.
They came to our office because they said, "We need to see the actual product to understand it.
They told us that they are currently using a considerable amount of image sensors, but they are not doing so well.
We gave them a brief explanation of the principle, and then "jumped in" to conduct a sample experiment.
As a result, he was pleased with the results and said he would like to visit our office again with the person in charge of the site.
In fact, this kind of pattern is becoming very common.
When you see the actual product
It is clearly different from what we have seen before.
It is simple, the principle is clear and easy to understand, and it is easy to imagine how it can be used in other applications.
The simple, clear, and easy-to-understand principle of the product has led to large business negotiations.

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