Lynx Machine Vision Solutions Seminar

As a partner company, we participated in Lynx's Machine Vision Solution Seminars held in Kyoto, Nagoya, and Tokyo on February 25-27.
Although HALCON has not been so much in the forefront recently, FlexInspector is a packaged software that is built using HALCON.
Originally, we used HALCON to develop software for visual inspection on consignment. In the process, we found a way to develop a package software. FlexInspector is a packaged software that is built using HALCON.
FlexInspector and HALCON have a very deep relationship.
This seminar was about HALCON case studies and the new version of HALCON.
As for the content...well, it's a "geek" world. I can't follow it....
Looking around, many people were absent....
However, from the point of view of someone who knows well the weak points of HALCON, there were some shining points.
We are planning to make FlexIsnpector compatible with HALCON 9.0 as soon as possible.
Still, the power of Lynx and MVTec to gather such a large number of people (nearly 600 in total at the three venues) in the midst of this recession and severe travel restrictions is awe-inspiring.

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