searchKeyword "visual inspection"

I went to searchand looked at various pages with the keywords "I'm looking for a new product," but as usual, there were a lot of new flowers. However, I thought that the feeling was a little different.
It is no use for items with large variations, but for a large number of items, visual inspection can be performed based on the logic that "if it is the same as a good product, it is a good product. Appearance inspections can be performed using only simple arithmetic operations, which computers are very good at.
However, since it is impossible to avoid the effects of variations in good products themselves and variations in the imaging environment, it is necessary to generate a "range of good products" that allows for such variations. In actual operation, the key is how to quickly and accurately create this "range of good products.
To be honest, for products with large variations, we think it is better to invest in process improvement rather than in automatic visual inspection. Even if we could inspect them, it would be impossible to inspect them with more accuracy than the variation in the product.
In my field, the stages are already
1) How to make it possible to supply the field at a "reasonable" cost.
(2) How to make it possible for the field staff to carry out the daily operation.
3) How far can we relax the "standards" in terms of operation?
The answer lies in the following three points.
The capability of PCs has improved, and it may be true that what they can do has increased.
But I think the answer lies in a simpler place.
And the real barrier lies in the "field," and I think the answer lies only in the field.

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