The Trick of Excessive Quality

The other day, I heard a story from a customer to whom we delivered inspection equipment.
At first, they did not question us so strictly about quality.
One day, the customer let out an unbelievably high level of defective products.
The customer asked us, "Do you inspect your products properly? and the customer asked, "Do you inspect your products properly?
The inspection was thorough and "if something looks suspicious, it will be punished.
In fact, this kind of story is often heard.
If we were to visually inspect all of the houses, we would have to be very careful because it is a human activity, and impossible things can happen.
So even if only heavy defects can be detected,
It is very important to install inspection equipment from the initial stage of production.
After one leakage, it may be too late.
...But I often think that at least that much does not have to be defective for the sake of the global environment...

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