Akitsugu Maebayashi

I saw "More Darwin", a performance by Tadasu Takamine with participation of Akitsugu Maebayashi.
Mr. Akitsugu Maebayashi was in charge of the "interactive sound system" for this piece.
In fact, this is the fourth time I have assisted him in the "image sensing" part of his work. This time, we created a program to detect "dancer's movement" and "eye movement. However, we were only in charge of detecting from the camera image and passing the numerical data to him, and it was his help that raised the work into the realm of "art.
Incidentally, the program was created using HALCON (hdevelop). This time, "eye movement" detection uses "scaled_shape_model + artificial model. In the presence of so much unevenness in luminance, the "contour positioning" is still very powerful in that it is able to track the eye in a reasonable manner. In fact, there is a quite high level of "image processing technology" used in this work.
We will continue to cooperate with him in the future.

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