
There seems to be a lot of talk about "moonshots" and "disruptive innovation" and all sorts of things being done by bureaucrats and university professors, but from my perspective as both a manager and an engineer, I wish people would stop being irresponsible.

It is selfish to set high (too high) goals.

I feel sorry for the engineers who are forced to work hard to make that happen.

Those who know what they're doing know that it's impossible,
And, there is no result if you work hard at something that is impossible.

Without results, there is no way to get credit...

If we were to put in subsidies and grants, it would be nothing short of a waste of taxpayer money.

We need to set goals that are feasible.
We must also set "worthwhile" goals that will be appreciated by everyone when they are achieved.

Oh, by the way, the "moonshot" was properly realized.

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