Struggling with Vista

It seems that gradually we can only buy PCs with Vista.
Finally, we have started checking out "FlexInspector on Vista".

To be honest, I had a hard time installing Vista on the computer for verification. I installed it on my Epson Direct AT-960, which I use for demonstration purposes, and first checked the operation of FlexInspector itself.

What worked worked, but there are a few nagging problems.
The increased security in Vista is going to be a disaster, and maintenance is going to be very difficult.
It would be better to change the default installation directory to the user directory.

We would like to make the transition gradually, including the development environment.

One comment on " Struggling with Vista.

  1. yamada From:.

    The 1394/IIDC camera worked in Vista(x86) environment.
    I will try Galaxy++M2 next.
    #In the end, the hard disk was the cause of all the trouble. After I changed it, it went in easily. Is there any function to check the hard disk at the time of installation? (I think XP had such a function...)

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