What is the goal?

Since the other day, I have been speaking with many different people.
As I talk with them, I am trying to get my head around the situation.

Today we asked, "How do you plan to expand as a business?" and "It depends on what we are aiming for,
The discussion was "It depends on what we are aiming for.

What is the goal?

I have an unwavering belief in that area,
"To wipe out automated visual inspections that don't work."
and "To eliminate people who have a bad experience with automated visual inspections,
"We want to eliminate the people who have a bad experience with automated visual inspections.
I want to eliminate the people who have a bad experience with automated visual inspection.

I don't think it's too much to say that we want to expand our business...
Appearance inspections are so subjective that even if you make and market and sell a good product, it will be useless if it does not match the subjectivity of the field. It is disastrous for both the seller and the buyer. When you think about it, it is difficult to set a numerical sales target.... If you make it "something that must be sold," it will inevitably become unreasonable.

Even if other companies in the same industry can imitate our methodology, I think it would be difficult to imitate our philosophy in this area as long as we are in the "business" business.

Still, I thought to myself, "I'm an idiot for paying for a seminar and giving a talk like that" (laughs).

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